
Review: Brenmar – Let’s Pretend

This year has been a non-stop affair for Bill Salas, the Brooklyn based artist who goes by the name Brenmar. With an EP apiece on Discobelle and Sinden’s Grizzly, a video of the much loved “Taking It Down” and an endless stream of peerless mixes – there was even time to contribute to a certain […]

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Recommended: Offshore

Londoner Offshore cuts quite an elusive figure against his Big Dada compatriots. Alongside the likes of Roots Manuva and Wiley headlining the bill and youngsters like Dels gaining the majority of attention, he’s happily doing what he does best. With 2 EPs already released to the label, one on Numbers, one on the inventive Disboot […]

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Preview: Presk & Cinnaman – Sweat

They’ve already put out a release this year in the form of the limited “Fuck Yonkers” bootleg (ACLBLXXX) but this November will mark the first official release of Amsterdam-based label and party Audio Culture, and they couldn’t have thought of a better way to commence themselves than what’s coming our way. ACLBL001 will display a […]

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Introduction: Lee Stevens & The Beautiful People

There are two monikers you have to take into account when dealing with a certain Austrian who goes by the name of Stefan Schauppenlehner, they are: Burnin Tears and Lee Stevens & the Beautiful People. Both concentrate on House music, yet the Lee Stevens alias takes him into the depths of wonderful disco whereas the […]

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Download: Lucid – Walkingly Jaded (Mister Tweeks Remix)

All the way back in March of this year a little known Belgian label by the name of Pelican Fly announced their sonic intentions with their first and acclaimed release ‘Richelle – Mascotte’, and consolidated the ethos that big is better. Interest though is starting to peak again as the countdown begins towards their 4th release, […]

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Five Mixes Are Better Than One Pt. VI

1. Darling Farah – URB Burnin’ Up Mix: Darling Farah is our first love, last love, only love. Although this URB mixtape is from a while back, we couldn’t resist telling you about it for it’s already up there in our most listened to mixes – eighteen minutes of his own productions strictly, some whom have appeared on […]

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Stream: BYNC – Crazy in Luv (Pional Rework)

This isn’t our first post on the Spanish producer Pional. We wrote a post on a certain Frank Ocean edit last time, whereas this time he takes control over the one and only Beyoncé and her immortal track “Crazy In Love.”  The way he pitches down Knowles’ vocals seems somehow familiar, yet its the back bone of […]

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Review: Acquiescence / Fake Left – Nocturnal Wave

Acquiescence / Fake Left – “Nocturnal Wave“ is the first release by the Edinburgh based label iS Records. It saw its release in November of last year and carries with it two exceptional takes on House music which both hold up against each other rather well. Practically no information exists about the two producers, although […]

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Chronicles, Interviews

Interview: Clams Casino

Over the past few years there has been a real surge of beatmakers and emcees who have taken the DIY approach like so many before them, but in a bid to be different they have contributed to some of the most interesting hip-hop we’ve heard for a long time. We owe a lot to the […]

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Review: Submotion Orchestra – Finest Hour

About two and a half years ago, I played a set at the New Cross Inn at a band night that a friend was running. As I recall the bands were pretty awful, but I remember seeing the second to last group vividly. Though Submotion Orchestra were being born in Leeds around the same time, […]

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Introduction: Citizen

Citizen is from London and at this early stage that’s all we know, but we already know all we need to know about his productions even if there is just the handful released to date. They’re brilliant. Citizen’s output is full of character and flair charged with memories of the past glory of early 90s […]

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Downloads, Truancy Volumes

Mixes: Truancy Volume Trinity

As we’re reaching the landmark of bringing you over thirty Truancy Volumes we thought it would only be fitting to make it a 3 volume extravaganza, bringing you some of the finest mixes to date! For the 30th it could only be one name for us, none other than the incredible Grown Folk, who also featured […]

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