Groove Theory’s “Tell Me” is perchance one of the biggest R&B hits of the 90’s. One of those tracks that deserve having the “unfeigned classic” label stamped all over them, without any further discussion. Then there is the graceful Amel Larrieux, the vocalist of the duo, who probably has one of the most beautiful voices ever; not many vocalists have managed to touch her altitude over the last few years. Her sidekick Bryce Luvah (who was quite the smooth operator back in the days) wasn’t just responsible for the big Groove Theory hits, but also wrote one of the best Toni Braxton songs out there called “You’re Makin’ Me High“. Those were the times, and we definitely shouldn’t forget to thank this duo for a lovely decade. It’s nice to be reminded of the 90’s every now and then, and that’s where Hotflush deputy George FitzGerald comes in. Refreshing your memory last December by releasing a wonderful remix of “Tell Me” on a limited 10″, he molded the original slow jam into an emotional garage infused dancefloor hymn. A strong look for all the vinyl assimilates out there, but gravely saddening to the digital g’s. Now it’s only upright to say that FitzGerald must be one of the kindest producers ever, here. Originally looking for something else FitzGerald related, and being habitually sidetracked I went back to his Groove Theory remix and noticed it said the following: “UPDATE: Available for free download. Enjoy!”. Dear George, I love you for this. And many more people with me. If you thought I’d sleep on this, boy, you’re wrong ’cause all I dream about is this remix.

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