Now I know my fellow TRUANTS will think I should have better things to do than doing a post from a random hotel in Colombia but I’m jet lagged as hell, can’t get to sleep and the last thing I want to do is tune into some dubbed Gordan Ramsay show. Actually, now that I come to think of it, Ramsay shouting numerous expletives in Spanish might be pretty amusing however I’ll take a set rip of Mumdance’s Different Circles Launch night over rude Spanish words any day. Joined by Canblaster, Dillon Francis and last minute addition Skeet Skeet the guys throw down around 1 hour and 40 minutes of tunes including various exclusives and 3 forthcoming tracks from the Mumdance & Canblaster EP. I know one of the tunes is around 28 minutes in but you’ll have to help me in recognising the rest. No idea if the two guys are gonna adopt a collab name ala “Mums of Death” but Mumblaster has a certain ring to it no? Also while on topic Dillon Francis, he recently gave out a free track over on his soundcloud titled “Beautician’ thats already getting support from the likes of Jack Beats. It won’t appeal to all our readers, but for those who like their screw face dubstep from time to time, will no doubt want to download!

even when he’s on holiday he manages to get a photo from my flickr favs!!! how does he do it
i do like that picture. and ricc shouldn’t you be knee-deep in coke n hoes by now…
check out this mash-up i made with beautician and till the world ends it worked perfect.