When Forever Comes Crashing

There are many songs, which remind me of a distant past, now long gone. Certain words, drum kicks or, in this case, synthesized notions appeal to an inner sense in my creative genes. This notion – so it seems -, sends a direct signal to my mind. This signal permits my memory to search for, dig up, and sharpen memories I have long forgotten. The noise can be a second long, but it’s already enough to trigger the aforementioned process. This then leads its own life. The result of this all is sincere happiness, or rather, satisfaction. The song I will be talking about further down reminded me of this particular poem below. When listening, read the four (beautiful, I cannot help but add) lines below, and try to find a connection.

Can we resolve the past?
Lurking jaws, joints in time; the base —
To come of age in a dry place, holes &
– Jim Morrison

Satisfaction is the word that best describes the latest release on, what I perceive as, the label of the year. The UK-based Night Slugs crew dropped their most secretive project to date just two days ago. Its name, ladies and gentlemen: Velour. This four-tracked, latest and greatest release – in my subjective, perhaps biased view, of course – has not one lazy second in its entirety. It’s a pornographic EP, very much to be compared to the sexual allusions and connotations found in Sébastien Tellier‘s Sexuality. Filled with romance, or rather, The Scent of Romance, filled with beautiful synth-work, and filled with an electrical charge of pure ecstasy, I dare say this is my favorite pick-up of the last few months.

[wpaudio url=”https://dl.dropbox.com/u/11754590/1-04%20She%20Wore%20Velour.mp3″ text=”VELOUR – SHE WORE VELOUR” dl=”0″]

Indeed, “From the dancefloor to the boudoir, Velour is a pornographic synth odyssey on Night Slugs.” (source) Must more be said? Sure, the EP has already surfaced the world wide web with free distributions, but you won’t enjoy it half as much as you would if you just simple buy it. Purchase here or here. I hereby conclude by asking, or challenging, perhaps even provoking you, fellow reader: can we resolve the past, lurking jaws joints in time? Do we come of age in a dry place, holes and/or caves? We don’t know for certain – I mean, what do we inevitably know about the human existence? But it’s safe to say that Velour definitely helps us in remembering the past we have long put aside. An odyssey quite like Homer‘s (you dig?); a favorable capsule in this thing we call time, or perception; a creation of fine art we will surely not get bored of all too soon. I know. ?

Soraya Brouwer

LONDON VIA AMSTERDAM - Soundcloud & Instagram