What is that Repetitive Melody Hypnotizing Me

Teki Latex – Dinosaurs With Guns (video)

The attentive reader will have noticed that Teki Latex here has been dancing in our sidebar for over a day. The poor baby must be exhausted, and it will only get worse for all the Teki’s that live in a parallel universe. I mean, look at this video for his single Dinosaurs With Guns. They are dancing all over the place and there is no stopping them. And it has actual gifs, in a video! This is four minutes of Geocities crashing down on your Windows93, except it’s more dynamic, it doesn’t take you ages to finally connect to it. It makes you feel you’re tripping on some kind of perfectly dosed Mexican Sound Pellegrino cactus, too. Let’s face the truth, this video is everything you ever wanted to see in a video but better – because it’s obviously supported by a track that is everything you ever wanted to hear. Tekitek’s EP Answers/Dinosaurs With Guns/I Was Sober has been released today as well (includes a Mikix The Cat remix too), so I would say – sit down, buy whatever you need to on Beatport, and have a Teki meets Gang Starr-themed evening. Except please don’t buy I Was Sober if you get offended when people badmouth your mom, or listen to it for the first time if you’re in the same room as her. I mean, really. Hey.

Soraya Brouwer

LONDON VIA AMSTERDAM - Soundcloud & Instagram