What is that weird sound that makes me feel all warm in my belly, that mysterious music that makes my hips shake and confuses my sense of gravity? It’s what Truants call, a next-level Sound Pellegrino Thermal Team mix tape. For those of you who didn’t drown in the seas of new music last week and died an euphoric death as a heartbreaking result – this is something you really need to hear too, and there is a great chance this might be even better than everything else you heard this week. King of style Teki Latex and his partner in crime Lad Orgaga dropped a new mixtape today, named It’s Raining Crystals From The Future. It’s a lovely one because it has the new Teki Latex track on it that’s produced by Noob. Oh, and the other one that is produced by Renaissance Man. There’s also a chance you will hear a new Para One track on it, and a remix by Noob of one of Para’s other new tracks. And a Douster remix of a new Bobmo track! I see a new Style of Eye track in there as well, and that Harvard Bass remix of Felix Cartal that you might have heard in some live sets. And that track, Cha Cha Cha by Beataucue, you might have heard a snippet of that. What the hell is going on with you, mixtape? Are you for real or are you some kind of ridiculous hoax, to be disappeared from the internet tomorrow as if nothing ever happened? Mixtape, you are Exclusive², Teki already declared to feel that he feels like an asshole for defying the laws of space and time. I like the way Teki acts like an asshole, though. It’s really mature and does anything but hurt my feelings. Discover the rest of the crazy track listing by yourself and please have your inhalers and tissues within reach, I present to you…