Breakfast at Tiffany’s

When we sit in an empty room embracing the silence, we focus on nothing but the silence. Once we leave this zone, we step into the grounds of busy streets, with cars and lights shimmering everywhere. The movement, the footsteps, engines and traffic all contribute to what I like to call “the noise of society”. If one is to break this down, one may conclude by saying that noise is music. We are aware of this detail – we have a close eye for it, in fact – but we cannot explain why it is so. So indeed, Mr. Huxley brings forth an extremely valuable point, by claiming that “after silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” An interesting proposition – but a very valid one at that.

But now to what this is really about. Many times these last few weeks have I listened to tracks that my mind could not get rid of. A good thing, or a bit of a pain? You choose. In any case, the US-based producer Cedaa released his new EP, which carries the name (with a double meaning, perhaps) Tiffany, and rest assured, it caught my positive attention. I’ve coined it one of my favorite releases of the last two-three months.  It’s a two-track EP (Tiffany/Simba) but seems like so much more, I guarantee. It’s a trip, I think. Over the last 6 months, he’s been busy conscientiously shaping his name in the music business. It’s like sculpturing, it takes time, effort, and, in most cases, a wave of blossoming talent. These are two very intriguing tracks. Chants, undecipherable words, phrases, perhaps messages; and mellowing synths, this is a must for any UK-underground house/bass/garage – call it what you like – lovers. Blissfully Minty, kind reader.

Also, forget not to download the free EP he gave away earlier this week if you’re feeling this kid. Stream Tiffany below, and if you’ve got a spare £1.95, buy it off Juno here.

[wpaudio url=”″ text=”CEDAA – TIFFANY” dl=”0″]

[wpaudio url=”″ text=”CEDAA – SIMBA” dl=”0″]

Soraya Brouwer

LONDON VIA AMSTERDAM - Soundcloud & Instagram

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