Truancy Sessions S02 E01: o.rayan

o.rayan | Soundcloud | Instagram

Rooted in the vibrant sounds of West Africa, o.rayan’s musical journey began in the Ivory Coast where he was born and raised. His eclectic taste, shaped by 90’s house, dub, disco, r&b, and hip hop, infuses his selections with a unique perspective, pushing him to seek records unbound by genre or era. As a dedicated vinyl enthusiast, o.rayan has cultivated a global network of record-pooling communities, unearthing and digitizing rare finds that scarcely surface elsewhere.

In this Truancy Sessions mix, o.rayan captivates with a kaleidoscope of intoxicating sonic rarities, offering a glimpse into his world of carefully curated, heartfelt sounds. Journeying through hidden corners of electronic music, the mix spotlights a series of bright and evocative selections from some of house music’s unsung visionaries. Beginning with a nod to his Lebanese heritage, the mix flows ever-deeper into enveloping tracks marked by punching drums, lush pads, and drifting melodies, while the diversity of o.rayan’s musical exploration shines through in multilingual vocals that bridge cultures through rhythm. His passion for vinyl is evident in the mix’s impeccable quality and singular curation, each track revealing his exquisite taste for surreal, body-moving rhythms. Shaped by transformative experiences such as Sunwaves festival in Romania, and fueled by his belief that “music and love are my fuel,” o.rayan’s mix stands as a testament to music’s enduring power to heal and inspire.

Hi, Rayan! Can you share a bit about your musical journey? How did your upbringing and early experiences shape your relationship with music? “I’ve been playing and digging records for about 6 years now. I was very lucky to be surrounded by a lot of talented artists that truly influenced my musical tastes but also welcomed me as their brother.”


What drew you to electronic music initially? Are there any particular tracks or artists that had a profound impact on your musical taste? “There is a journey that changed everything for me and that was the 25th edition of Sunwaves in Mamaia, Constanta (Romania). After this, is when I really started digging rare electronic music non-stop.”


When did your passion for vinyl begin, and do you remember the first record you purchased? What’s the most treasured record in your collection, and how do you typically discover new music? “I always wanted to master the art of playing with vinyls. It is more difficult, but the sound quality is better and warmer. And when you get to try out some new records during parties it is always a beautiful feeling.

“I think the first couple records I got was during a trip in Berlin. If I had to choose now, I believe my most treasured record is May, 19, 1992 from Ingrid Chavez.

“There are a lot of ways for me to discover new music. After spending years digging in every possible direction, it’s become easier to know where to put my focus and see which records I want to add in my collection.”

Could you paint a picture of the music scene in Côte d’Ivoire, particularly in Abidjan? What unique elements or characteristics define the music originating from these areas? “The music scene in Abidjan is very rich as this city is a melting pot. On the other side the electronic underground scene is very small but we are attracting more and more listeners. Just a matter of time :)”


Beyond music, what fuels your creativity? How do you maintain your creative spark and manage potential burnout? “If I’m not digging, I’m listening; it’s what keeps my soul alive. I need good vibrations to recharge and keep on going into this life; music and love are my fuel.”

Regarding this mix you’ve created for us, what was your curation process like? Did you have a specific mood or sonic theme in mind? “When you do a mix you always try to tell a story. In the intro of this mix, I wanted to share the beauty of Arab people (as I am proud Lebanese from origin). The rest usually flows naturally as I allow my soul to express through different sounds.”


Looking ahead, what are your aspirations in the music industry? Can you share any upcoming projects or goals you’re working towards? “All I want is to be able to share my colors and that it can hopefully either heal or give strength to the listeners. I would also love to try out different booth/sound systems around the world and do what I know best.”

Mix artwork by Lolo: Instagram, Soundcloud

You can download Truancy Sessions S02 E01: o.rayan in 320 kbps on Patreon here. Your support helps cover all our costs and allows Truants to continue running as a non-profit and ad-free platform. Members will receive exclusive access to mixes, tracklists, and discounts off future merchandise. If money is tight however and you’re desperately after any ID, please leave us a comment over on the Soundcloud link and either us or o.rayan will get back to you :)

Taylor Trostle