Floating Points Ensemble

So excuse our absent from TRUANTS for the past week but I guess you cant blame us for spending our Christmas with our families instead of our computers (I actually spent mine with neither. Instead I worked and served drinks for drunk people in a restaurant but there you go. THE REAL REASON WHY THERE WERE NO POSTS THIS WEEK IS BECAUSE WE WENT CRAZY ON TOKBOX. THERE). Do not fear though we’ll be back stronger now more than ever and I’d like to start with a little post from a release that I’ve been playing all over the Christmas Holidays. Since hearing that Sam Sherpherd would be expanding his solo project Floating Points into a full band of 13 live musicians I couldn’t help but just creams my pants in excitement at the amazing creative possibilities this could bring. Since being introduced to him way back in 2009 via his Vacuum EP he’s slowly been crafting and releasing some killer releases and remixes for labels and artists such as Planet Mu and Four Tet, with the latter being possibly one of my favourite tracks of the year. 14 minutes of just pure bliss which I highly recommend checking out if you haven’t already.

Going back to the Ensemble this is actually their debut release and it couldn’t have found a better home in the form of the well renowned Ninja Tune. Its hard to pick which of the two tracks I prefer at the moment but if I had to go with one it’s the sound of Almost In Profile that has me in complete awe. Starting off with a subdued drone that slowly sets  the mood a piano then enters with an enchanting melody, which then layered with a selection of string sections and vocals from the lovely Fatima completes the track wonderfully. I go by what I said in my Mosca post where I think people have jumped the gun and done their Top of the Year lists a tad early. Great way to end a year of amazing releases. Buy here



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