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1 thought on “pitts”

  1. I’m not angry. I don’t really care what you think of me; I’m cofmlrtaboe with who I am. I was born this way, I didn’t choose my sexuality. I have to ask a couple of questions, though:First, if God has a problem with gay people, then why did he make some people gay? Oh, I know your response will just be that it is a choice regardless of all the research. Maybe there’s not one specific gene that causes homosexuality, but that doesn’t mean it’s not innate. Unless you can prove it’s not a born trait, that it is in fact a choice, you’ve no right to say what another person believes is a lie. Did you choose to be attracted to women? Did you wake up one morning when you were young, look at the options, and decide that you prefer women? Or was it just natural? How do you know that gay people don’t have the same experience?Second, I’m assuming you use the Old Testament as your basis for condemning homosexuality, as most anti-gay people do. Here’s the question: do you eat shellfish? Do you wear polyester clothing? Do you regularly slaughter and burn animals as offerings to God? If you’re not keeping those laws, then why is the law against homosexuality any different? Many Christians teach that when Jesus died, the Old Testament law was no longer a factor; we now have two rules, to love the Lord God with all our hearts, souls, and minds, and to love our neighbor as ourself. If you believe that, then why are you using an Old Testament law to argue against homosexuality? How is that loving thy neighbor? Regarding your malignment of feminists, it is true that women are neither inferior nor superior to men. However, in recent history (that is, since the foundation of the United States), it has not been true that women had the same rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as men did. Now we do, and we have feminists to thank for that. Those strong, successful Conservative women you mention would never be where they are if it weren’t for feminists. Granted, some of their ideals are a little extreme, but that doesn’t negate the issue. I believe that PETA is too extreme, but that doesn’t mean their cause is unjust.Regarding psychiatrists, Freud is no longer an authority in the field. He may have made great strides toward understanding the human mind, but many of his methods and theories are inaccurate. Most psychiatrists only seek to help people overcome issues. Not necessarily mental illness, even; sometimes it’s as simple as a phobia or the temporary depression that follows traumatic events. African Americans: I’m not educated enough about the issues you claim exist to refute them, but I do know that I’ve met many African Americans, and none of them have been whiners trying to get European-Americans to feel sorry for them. Also, African-American doesn’t mean they were born in Africa, it means they are of African descent. Just as I am European-American, even though my ancestors have been in North America since the 18th century. They came from Europe, so I am of European descent: a European-American.Church leaders, I’m not familiar enough with to respond to this section either. College professors. Good professors teach students how to think, not what to think. Not all professors are like what you describe. I’ve been fortunate in my as-yet-limited college education (2 semesters so far, if you were wondering) to only have had very good professors. I’m sure some are like your description, but far from all.Sports fans. People can find role models in all sorts of places. It’s not just about the money, it’s about the person themself. It’s about the inspiration of seeing someone else fulfill his or her dream, of realizing that anyone can have their dreams if they work for it. Who’s to say that being a Major League baseball player is any less worthy than any of the professions you mentioned? Being a war veteran doesn’t make someone a hero, after all. A hero is not someone who joined the military; a hero is someone who does something that inspires others to live better lives. Parents. You’re wrong. It is not teaching children to respect authority that makes them good, intelligent adults capable of critical thinking. It is teaching them to question everything. Sure, they should obey certain authorities, in certain situations, but it should be explained to them, as soon as they’re old enough to understand, why someone is to be obeyed. Blind obedience is not a healthy trait.Is that detailed enough for you? I apologize for any typos or incoherency; I’m far from a professional writer. If you have any points you want clarified, I’ll do my best. Also, I apologize if you really are just being satirical and/or sarcastic. It’s hard to tell sometimes, especially through a text-only form of communication.Cheers.

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